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Starting a Business in Singapore has become a highly desirable goal for local and foreign entrepreneurs. There are many factors to consider when start a business in Singapore, such as determining business structure in Singapore (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, PTE LTD, PLC). In this article we will guide and give more detail information how to starting a business in Singapore. 

You also can read this article: Here is: Business Structure In Singapore 

Singapore Company Registration

Choose your Structure Business

Having Structure Business in Singapore is crusial!!. The business structure determines how the business is managed and the personal liabilities of its owners, its means structure business impact how it’s run and your personal liability for things like taxes and legal rules.

Structure Business also can ensure compliance, minimize risk and ensure operational efficiency which also affects the long-term success of a company, and here are some types of business structures in Singapore.

Sole Proprietorship

Sole propership is a business that can be owned and controlled by an individual. set up a sole proprietorship you must be at least 18 years old and to qualify as Sole Propretorship you must be a Singaporean citizen, permanent resident (PR), or have an eligible FIN holder.

However, It’s important to note that sole proprietorship also have some drawbacks:

  1. unlimited Personal liability: As the sole owner, you are personally liable for the business debts and obligations
  2. Limited Access to capital: Raising capital can be challenging as a sole proprietor
  3. Limited Succession Planning: it can be difficult to transfer ownership or find a successor for the business.

Sole Proprietorship in Singapore are a suitable for individuals starting small businesses with minimal risk and seeking a simple and cost-effective structure. However, the unlimited liability and limited funding options make it less attractive for businesses with significant growth potential or those operating in high-risk industries. Entrepreneurs should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvatages before deciding on the most approproate business Structure for their needs.


A partnership is a business owned by at least two partners. and can be individuals who agree to share ownership, management and profits or losess and partnerships can take various forms, such as general partnership, limited parnerships, and limited liability partnerships.

However, it’s important to note that parnership also have potential drawbacks

  1. Unlimited Liability: in a general partnership, all partners are personally liable for the partnership’s debts and obligations.
  2. Potential Conflicts: Partnership can be susceptible to conflicts between parners, especially when there are disagreements over managements or decision making.
  3. Limited Access to Capital: Partnerships may have difficulty raising large amounts of capital compared to companies.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

In the ACRA article about understanding LLPs explain it Limited Liability Parnership (LLP) is a vehicle for doing business in Singapore. Means LLP is a business structure in Singapore that combines elements of a partnership and a company. and LLP offers partner limited liability while maintaning a parnership.

However, it’s importance to take a note if you are intersting using LLP for you Business Structure:
  1. Limited Public Perception: LLP may not have the same public perception as companies, which can sometimes effect their ability to attract investors or business partner
  2. Regulatory requirements: While LLP have simpler administrative requirements than companies, they still need comply with certain regulations and file annual returns

if you are considering to use LLP as your business structure in Singapore, it’s highly recommended to consult with a legal or accounting professional to understand the specific requirements and benefits for your business.

Private Limited Companies (PTE LTD)

PTE LTD or it’s call Private Limited Companies is a popular business structure in Singapore, mostly for SMEs in Singapore Small and medium-sized enterprises using in. This structure offers a higher level of legal and financial protection for the business owners, knows as shareholders. This structure also allows for easier fundraising through the sale of shares. The Private Limited Companies it can have maxium of 50 shareholders.

However, it’s important to note that PTE LTD also have somne drawbacks:

  1. More Complex Setup: Setting up a PTE LTD is Generally more complex and time consuming than a sole proprietorship or partnership
  2. Higher costs: there are associated costs involved in Incorporationg a pte Ltd, such as filing fees, legal fees, and ongoing compliance requirments
  3. Regulatory Requirements: Pte Ltd are subject to more stringent regulations and reporting requirements comapred to sole proprietorship or partnership

Private Limited Companies in Singapore offer a robust and flexible business structure with numerous advatages, including limited liability, easier access to capital, tax benefits, perpetual succession and enhanced credibility. However, entreoreneurs should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages, considering the complexity of setup, administrastive requirements and potensial for less personal control, to determine if this structure aligns with their business goals and risk tolerance

If you want to know more about Private Limited Companies (PTE LTD) you can read this article: What is sole proprietorship and private limited company

Public Limited Company (PLC)

Public Limited Company (PLC) in Singapore is a type of company that can offer its shares to the public for sale. This is means that anyone can purchase shares in the company, making it a publicly trade entity. A standout feature of this type of company is its capacity to have more than 50 shareholders, enabling the general public to buy shares and become part-owners.

However, PLC also have some drawbacks:

  1. Increased Regulatory requirements: PLC are subject to more stringent reguilations and reporting Requirments than prevately held companies.
  2. Public scrutiny: PLC face increased scrutiny from shareholders, regulators and the public, which can put pressure on management to delivery results.
  3. higher costs: There are higher costs associated with going public, including legal fees, accounting fees, and ongoing compliance requierments
  4. Loss of Control: Publicly traded companies may experiance a dilution of ownership and control as new shareholders are brought in

Public Limited Companies in Singapore offer a robust and flexible business structure with numerous advantages, including access to capital, enhanced credibility, prepetual succession, shareholder flexibility and transparency. However, enterpreneurs should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages, considering the complexity of setup, andministrative requirements, and potential for less personal control, to determine if this structure aligns with their business goals and risk tolerance.

Company Registration for Local Singaporean

As we know Singapore is a one of the center global trade in ASIA and if you are estabilish your business in Singapore it’s not ony foreigners get benefit, it’s also as Singaporean get the benefit for incorporation. As a local esspecially Singaporean Citizen it’s not difficult to register your business in Singapore. Here are some steps you need to take to follow.

 Key Requirements for Local

  1. Resident Director must a pointed as a director of the company
  2. Address must be located at the Singaporea and not P.O Box
  3. Every company must appoint a company secretary
  4. Minimum paid up or share capital is 1$ for a company registration
  5. Permits and licenses: depending on your business activities, you may need specific permits or licenses

How is process for Company registration as Local

  1. Choose a company name
  2. Appoint a Director
  3. Registered office Address
  4. Prepare the incorporation Documents
  5. Submit the Documents
  6. Pay the fees

Are you Singaporean?, we can help you to Register Your Business in Singapore 

Company registration for Local

Company Registration for Foreigners

Singapore is the one of a country for foreigner enterpreneurs to build their business in Singapore, strategic business enviroment and stable economy are things that foreign entrepreneurs must consider when building their businesses. Here’s the things several steps that who want to Starting or Register Business in Singapore:

Key Requirments for foreigners

Register business in Singapore as a Foreigners it’s not diffrents like as a Singaporean but some of the steps you need to follow:

  1. Resident Director: While a Foreigners individual can be a shareholder, a Singapore resident must be appointed as a director
  2. Registered Office: The company must have a registered office address in Singapore
  3. Company Secretary: A Singapore resident or a Singapore-Registered company must act as the company secretary.

How is the process for Company Registration as Foreigners?

  1. Choose you company name: you must ensure your company name is unique and doesn’t conflict with the existing names.
  2. Appoint a resident Director: A Singapore resident must be a director of the company
  3. Registered office Address: Address must be provided for the company and must located at the Singapore. it must be physical address and not P.O Box
  4. Prepare the Incorporation Documents: This includes with the Memorandum and article of assocation
  5. Submit the documents: Submit the documents to the Accounting and Corporate regulatory Authority (ACRA)
  6. Registration pay fee: Pay the required registration fees

Are you Foreigners? and do you want to Register Your Business in Singapore? 

What should you do after your company is registered?

Once you have applied to regsiter your business in Singapore as a Local or Foreigners you will received and can process with another stages:

  1. You will getting certificate: ACRA will notify you by email that your company has been registered. This email also will include your official certificate and your company registration number. if you need a hard copy you can request it from ACRA
  2. You will receive bizfile: ACRA also will give a business profile for the new company for free. The business profile is the identity card of the company
  3. Can be able to open Corporate Bank: After your business is approved by ACRA, you can open a corporate bank account, you will need a corporate account opening form, a directors resolutions, a certified true copy of the company business profile, and identification and address proof for director, signatories and ultimate benefical owners.
  4. you be able to apply for business licenses:
  5. you also can able to register Goods and Services Tax (GST):

Benefit Of incorproation your business in Singapore

Singapore is knows as a center of global trade with advanced infrastructure, skilled workforce and strategic location in Asia make it an ideal place for companies to growing up, and here are benefits that make Singapore one of the choice for Starting your business:

Stable Economy

Singapore is the one of stable economy in Asia, Several factors make Singapore an economicall stable is:

  1. Economic Vision and planning: The Singapore Goverment has a long term vision for its economic development,with well planned policies and strategies aimed at achieving concrete goals. 
  2. Efficient bureaucracy: The SIngapore Goverment also renowned for its efficiency and transparency making it easy for businesses to operate and navigate the regulatory landscape

Stategic Location

  1. Gateway to southeast asia: Singapore is a major transportation hub, providing easy acess to the vast and growing southeast asia market. This proximity allows businesses to reach millions of potential customers and expand their operations seamlessly
  2. Central Location: its cenral Location in Southeast Asia postions Singapore as a strategic base for regional operations. This allows businesses to efficiently manage their supply chains, distributins networks and customer service
  3. well-connected infrastructure: Singapore boasts a world-class infrastructure, including modern transportation systems, excellent telecommunications networks and state-of-the art logistics facilities. This enables businesses to operate efficiently and connect with their customers and suppliers globally
  4. Stable political enviroment: Singapore stable political enviroment provides a predictable and conductive business climate. This reassures investors and business that their operations will not be disrupred by political instabillity or uncertainties
  5. Free Trade Agreements: Singapore has signed numerous free trade agreements with countries around the world, including the united states, the European union and China, These agreements reduce Trade barriers and provide businesses with preferential access to various markets

In summary, Singapore strategic location offers businesses a gateway to southeast Asia, a central location for regional operations, well-connected infrastructure, a stable political enviroment and access to various markets through free trade agreements. These factors make Singaporean attractive destination for businesses seeking to expand their operations and capitalize on the growth opportunities in the region.

Tax Incentives

The Singapore Goverment offers tax benefits to foreign enterpreneurs who start business in Singapore. These benefits include tax breaks for their companies. Here are some details about these tax incentives.

Corporate Income Tax:

  1. Piton Tax: A Preferential tax rate of 5% for the first $10 million of chargeable income for qualifying companies
  2. Development and innovating incentives: These schemes provide tax deductions for qualifying research and development activities

Other tax incentives:

  1. Investment Allowance: This scheme allows companies to claim an allowance agains their taxable income for qualifying investment in capital assets
  2. Foreign Income Deductions: This scheme provides tax relief for foreign income derived by Singapore companies
  3. Tax exemption for international Shipping Companies: Qualifying international shipping companies may enjoy a full or partial tax exemption.

Additional Tax Benefits:

  1. Double Tax Avoidance Agreements: Singapore has double tax avoidance agreements with many countries, witch can help reduce the tax burden on foreign sourced income
  2. Tax-Free Dividends: Dividends paid to Shareholders of Singapore companies are generally Tax-free

Business Friendly Environment:

Singapore is a one of the choice that make Singapore a good country for doing business, and here are some factors that make Singapore a friendly country for doing Business:

Stable Political and Economy Enviroment:

  1. political stability: Singapore has a stable political system with a strong goverment
  2. Economic stability: The country has a robust economy with low inflation and strong currency, providing a stable enviroment for businesses to operate

Efficient government and Bureaucracy:

  1. Streamlined processes: The Singaporean governmnet has implemented efficient processes and procedures for setting up businesses and obtaining necessary permits and licenses
  2. Minimal red tape: The government has made efforts to reduce bureaucracy and streamline administrative processes.

Low Tax Rates:

  1. Corporate Tax: Singapore has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world, making it attractive for businesses looking to reduce their tax burden
  2. Personal income tax: The country also has a progressive personal income tax system with relatively low rates, encouraging talent and investment

Strong Infrastructure:

  1. Transportation: Singapore has a world class transportation system, including modern roads, railways, and a highly efficient public transport network
  2. Telecomunication: The Country a well developed telecomunication infrastructure, providing reliable and high-speed internet connectivity.

Skilled Workforce:

  1. Education: Singapore has a strong education system that produces a highly skilled and adaptable workforce
  2. English proficiency: The majority of the population is proficiency in English, making it easier for foreign businesses to operate in the country.

Some of information you might be needs

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