Striking Off Company
Save money with our company strike-off services! Don’t pay unnecessary compliance fees for dormant companies.
Let us help you streamline your business entities and ease your financial worries.
Streamlining Success: Simplifying Business, Easing Finances
We can simplifies the company striking off process, ensuring a smooth and efficient closure for your business. We are the trusted partner to guide you through the striking off process. Trust One Accounting Services Singapore to handle your company closure with expertise and efficiency, allowing you to focus on the next chapter of your business journey.
We are knowledgeable of company closure regulations.
We are stay up-to-date with the latest requirements and guidelines to ensure compliance throughout the closure process. With our in-depth understanding of the regulatory landscape, they can guide your business through the intricacies of striking off a company, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free closure.
We are strictly compliant to legal obligations.
During the company striking off process, it is essential to fulfill all legal obligations and requirements. We can assist you in fulfilling these obligations, including the completion and submission of necessary documents and notifications to relevant government agencies. We ensure that all legal requirements are met, minimizing the risk of complications or delays in the striking off process.
We can help in preparation of documentation.
Preparing the required documentation for striking off a company can be a complex task. We simplifies the process by assisting you in preparing and organizing all the necessary documents. We can ensure that the striking off application, financial statements, resolutions, and other relevant paperwork are accurately completed and submitted. By relying on our expertise, you can avoid errors or omissions that could potentially prolong the company closure process.
We can facilitate communication with the relevant authorities.
As part of the striking-off process, communication with relevant authorities is crucial. We act as a liaison between your business and the appropriate government agencies, ensuring that all necessary information and inquiries are handled promptly and effectively. We facilitate communication, respond to queries, and provide any additional documentation or clarification as required, ensuring a streamlined and efficient closure process.
We provide guidance for closure of business operations.
In addition to the legal aspects, closing a company involves the practical closure of business operations. We provide guidance and support in winding down your business activities,
including the termination of leases, cancellation of licenses and permits, and the proper handling of employee matters. We can assist you in ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to conclude your business operations in compliance with regulatory requirements.
We have professional support and advisory services.
We offer professional support and advisory services throughout the company’s
formation process. Our team of experts is available to address your questions, provide guidance, and offer recommendations to navigate the closure process smoothly. We understand that every business is unique and may have specific circumstances surrounding the strike-off process. With our personalized approach, we ensure that your business closure is handled with expertise and attention to detail.
Requirements for striking off a company in Singapore
- Ceased business operations.
- Closed all bank accounts.
- No ongoing or potential court proceedings in or outside of Singapore.
- No assets, liabilities, or outstanding debts.
- No outstanding penalties or offers of composition to ACRA or other government agencies.
- No outstanding tax liabilities or refunds due to IRAS.
- No outstanding fix or floating charges in the Register of Charges.
- No outstanding ACRA summonses for any company officers.
- Canceled GST status with IRAS (if applicable).
- Written consent from all directors and shareholders.
- Up-to-date bookkeeping, tax filing, and payment to IRAS.
- Company resolutions and documentation to support the strike-off application.
Includes submission of “Waiver of income tax return“.
All Company assets have been disposed of or sold off.
No outstanding payables to any creditors or Government Authorities.
No outstanding Annual Return Filing with ACRA
No outstanding Tax Filing with IRAS